Mirth Connect: Bridging Healthcare Systems

Mirth Connect: Bridging Healthcare Systems

March 2, 2024


Mirth Connect, developed by NextGen Healthcare, is a robust open-source integration engine designed to facilitate seamless communication between various healthcare systems and applications. Its mission? To break down barriers, transform data, and enable interoperability across disparate platforms.

Key Features

1. Feature-Rich Integration

Mirth Connect offers a comprehensive suite of data transformation tools. From protocol conversions to advanced mapping, it tackles the complexities of healthcare data exchange with finesse. Whether you’re dealing with HL7, FHIR, or other standards, Mirth Connect has you covered1.

2. Platform-Agnostic Compatibility

In the ever-evolving landscape of healthcare technology, compatibility matters. Mirth Connect bridges the gap between different systems and technologies. It ensures smooth data flow across your entire network, regardless of the underlying software or infrastructure1.

3. Intuitive Message Mapping

Creating complex data transformations shouldn’t be a headache. Mirth Connect’s intuitive editor allows users of all skill levels to design, test, and deploy channel mappings effortlessly. Now, your data can speak the same language, no matter where it originates1.

4. Scalability and Performance

Whether you’re connecting two systems or two hundred, Mirth Connect delivers reliable performance. Built for high volume and high throughput workloads, it exceeds the demands of data integration in healthcare settings1.

FHIR Support

Mirth Connect fully embraces the Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR) standard. Its built-in FHIR Connector enables seamless exchange of FHIR resources. So, if you’re navigating the world of modern health data standards, Mirth Connect has your back2.

Real-World Impact

“I’ve been using interface engines for about 25 years, and Mirth Connect Integration Engine, by far, blows away the other three engines I’ve worked with.”
— Robert Werner, Former Senior Interface Developer, University of Toledo Medical Center


In the quest for better patient care, Mirth Connect stands as a fundamental building block of interoperability. It centralizes health data, fosters clear communication, and empowers healthcare professionals to make informed decisions. So, next time you encounter a seamless data exchange, remember that Mirth Connect might just be behind the scenes, orchestrating the magic.

Remember, in the intricate dance of healthcare systems, Mirth Connect is the conductor, harmonizing data for a healthier world.

1: Healthcare Integration Engine | Mirth® Connect by NextGen Healthcare 2: Mirth Connect & FHIR: How MirthConnect Supports the Latest Health Data Standards 3: Improving Patient Care Through Better Data Flow: How Mirth Promotes Healthcare Interoperability

Help with Mirth Connect

If you need help with an existing Mirth Connect integration or need to set up a brand new instance, contact us today!

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